
industries & locations

where to install

  • Aircraft Hangars
  • Airports
  • Barns
  • Bars & Restaurants
  • Dairy Barns
  • Distribution Centers
  • Educational Facilities
  • Fitness Centers

  • Gymnasiums

  • Hotels

  • Industrial Facilities

  • Wineries

  • Livestock Areas

  • Truck Loading Docks

  • Maintenance Facilities
  • Auto Dealer Showroom/Service Bays
  • Manufacturing Facilities
  • Military Facilities
  • Municipal Facilities
  • Outdoor Venues
  • Poultry Sheds

  • Practice Facilities

  • Public Spaces

  • Retail Spaces

  • Sports & Equestrian Arenas

  • Warehouse Facilities

  • Churches



lower temperatures up to 15°

Creating air movement in a space does not lower the actual temperature, however, utilizing the perceived evaporative cooling effect created by moving a high volume of air at a low speed over your skin can make you feel up to 15º cooler!

reduce energy costs by up to 30%

High Performance Fans work with existing cooling systems by allowing you to raise the thermostat set points by several degrees and save up to 30% on your energy bills.

Without a cooling system

You stand to gain the most comfort by installing High Performance Fans!

In many cases, High Performance Fans are used as an alternative to costly, high-maintenance cooling systems!

air circulation diagram


Nobody likes running their furnace continuously during the coolest months of the year, High Performance Fans aren’t just used to keep you cool on warm days, they can also reduce your heating bills and keep you comfortable when it’s cold outside!

Heat rises naturally, where it gets trapped at the ceiling, this causes a large temperature differential between the floor and ceiling. Thermostats are typically located at ground level which means they will register the temperature of cooler air. Your furnace will be called upon frequently to try and overcome the stratified air layers. By operating High Performance Fans at low speed, you can recycle the lost heat by slowly and steadily bringing the trapped heat down to occupant level without causing a draft. This is known as destratification.


This new uniform temperature in your space can allow you to lower your thermostat settings, increasing the life of your equipment and give you a significant reduction in operation costs – up to 33% in some cases!

Destratification Model
heating & cooling


Whether you are in a warm climate year-round or you experience hot summers, High Performance Fans can make any situation more comfortable!


  • Minimizes Temperature Differential from Floor to Ceiling (Thermal Destratification)
  • Eliminates Hot & Cold Pockets
  • Reduces Heating Usage
  • Energy Efficiency & Cost Effectiveness
  • Save up to 33% on Energy Costs
  • Increases Employee Comfort & Productivity
  • Less than 3 Year Return on Investment
  • Operates for Pennies an Hour
  • Maintain a Comfortable Environment Year Round


  • Complements Existing Systems and Reduces A/C Usage
  • Reduces Condensation, Corrosion, & Mold
  • Save up to 30% on Energy Costs
  • Quiet Operation
  • Produces Evaporative Cooling Effect lowering the Perceived Temperature by up to 15°
  • Able to Set Thermostat Set Points Warmer by 5-10º
  • Increases Employee Comfort and Productivity
  • Energy Efficiency & Cost Effectiveness
  • Less than 3 Year Return on Investment
  • Operates for Pennies an Hour
  • Great Alternative to Air Conditioning